Baby Led Weaning How to Cut Up a Hard Boiled Egg?

As a starting time-time parent, I knew at that place were going to exist an endless number of things that I was going to learn and experience with my baby. One experience I knew I could not wait for was to innovate Sloane to food.

Over the past twelvemonth, I take been sharing a lot of Sloane's first food exposures and meals on Instagram. And over that time, I have gotten and so many questions most how and when we decided to introduce sure foods to her. So now that she is 18 months erstwhile, and we have over a yr of experience at this, I idea it was time I write a mail service almost it.

I am certainly no practiced at this, but baby-led weaning has definitely worked for u.s.a., and I recommend it to anyone that asks me about it.

I took the Feeding Littles online baby course, and it was extremely helpful! They are so knowledgable, and I felt at ease knowing that I was learning near this topic from a Registered Dietitian and a Feeding Therapist. I highly recommend their course if y'all are wanting to become in depth on all things babe feeding. But for at present, I am going to tell you everything that I accept done with Sloane, in hopes that it will assistance anyone that may not want to take a more all-encompassing course.

What is babe-led weaning?

Baby-led weaning is substantially the idea that you give your baby solid foods right from the start, rather than only get-go with purees or traditional baby foods. I know that the term "weaning" can go far sound like you are trying to wean them from the breast or bottle, but that is not the case. You lot nonetheless want to offer breastmilk or formula until they are at to the lowest degree 12 months old. It really just means that you volition be weaning your baby toward solid foods, not rushing them, and just letting them explore all the new flavors and textures.

Whether you lot are choosing to do baby-led weaning with your baby, or opt for a few purees aslope, the pick is totally up to you lot. You have to do what is best for YOU and YOUR baby. Feeding your baby shouldn't pose any strict rules, ever do what you lot are comfortable with.

The Benefits of Babe-Led Weaning

1 of the main reasons I wanted to do baby-led weaning is because it helps babies work on their fine motor skills, too as boost their oral motor development. By feeding them this way, they are constantly able to pick up unlike shaped foods with their hands and fingers, as well as feel the different textures in their hands. And in plough, this volition hopefully help them to become less picky eaters in the long run because they are exposed to foods in their natural state instead of everything being pureed.

One of the biggest benefits, co-ordinate to some feeding experts, is that babies are able to learn the feeling of satiety (fullness). They volition be able to mind to their bodies and know when they are full, and won't exist pressured to eat "just 1 more than bite". If they are but being fed purees, so they will end up eating the food faster, and their stomach won't catch up their brain to permit them know that they are full before eating more than they actually needed.

What well-nigh Choking?

I of the master concerns that parents usually have with baby-led weaning is choking. Nearly people are taught to believe that purees are safer than solid foods, merely from what I learned from Feeding Littles, that is not completely true.

The gag reflex on babies is more toward the front of their tongue than adults is. It is very common for babies to gag on their food, but gagging and choking are ii very different things. When a baby gags, it is only considering they are trying to learn how to motility food around in their mouth, as well as acquire how to chew. Gagging is common and normal, and you will hear them make a sound, or even cough. The cough or gagging sound is actually a good thing because you know that their airway is not blocked. It is when they wait similar they are gagging, only no sound is coming out, that they could potentially exist choking.

At that place has been inquiry that says that babies who are given solids (cooked in the right manner) are no more likely to choke than babies that are spoon-fed. As long equally you stay away from foods that are known choking hazards, you should be just fine. (I will get over choking hazards down beneath.)

When to Showtime

There is so much research out there that says that babies really should be half-dozen months old when you start introducing solids. Their trivial digestive tracts are just non gear up for solid food earlier then, so that is why we didn't give Sloane anything merely breastmilk before she turned 6 months. Ultimately, the choice is completely up to you and your pediatrician. Do whatever works all-time for y'all.

Another important milestone that needs to exist met before you showtime solids is that your baby needs to be able to sit up on their own. When you put them in the highchair, you don't want them to be hunching over and not able to hold themselves up, this could potentially turn into a choking take chances. They also demand to exist able to selection up nutrient with their palms, so permit your baby exist the guide on when to start.

Start Slowly

At get-go, your baby will have a hard time picking up sure foods, they usually don't develop their pincer grasp until around nine-ten months erstwhile. And then this ways that they will grasp the food with their paw, and only eat the office that is sticking out of their palm. Yous want to make sure that you cut foods into longer strips so that they take something to piece of work with.

I remember one of the biggest things that I learned from Feeding Littles is to non blitz the process. Some babies take to food very chop-chop, and actually start eating some substance correct abroad. And some babies only play with the food for a while. Both are perfectly fine! Babies demand to play with the food to be able to get comfortable with the textures and flavors. All of this is new to them, so just be patient and know that if your infant isn't eating the nutrient right away, information technology's okay!

You can innovate foods to your baby in a couple of different ways. You can just place a couple pieces of food onto the highchair and let them pick information technology up and play with it. Or, if they are having a hard time with that at showtime, you lot tin can put the food right into their hand and help them grasp information technology.

Let's Talk About Nutrient Allergies

Introducing common food allergens can be a sensitive subject field for some people, peculiarly if you take food allergies in your family. I won't lie, I was a lilliputian hesitant almost giving Sloane gluten because of my obvious allergy. This is definitely something that you want to talk to your pediatrician near because every babe is different, and every family history is dissimilar.

At that place are a lot of traditional thoughts about introducing food allergens i at a time, and some not until after the babe turns one. But these days, there is more and more than research proverb that the earlier you start introducing the common allergens, the less likely a baby is to develop an allergy to that food. Feeding Littles talks about this in their course, and I talked to Sloane's pediatrician nearly it and she recommended that I innovate the foods to her early on. Luckily, she has never had a reaction to whatever food.

What foods do I start with?

There are actually no rules as to which foods to beginning feeding your baby. This is all going to depend on the typical diet of the parents. The one thing you definitely desire to take into consideration, though, is processed foods because of their saccharide and salt content. Feeding your baby whole foods is always going to be better for their little bodies.

I started with pretty simple foods for Sloane. Avocado, roasted sweet murphy, strips of ripe mango, etc. And then equally she got used to those foods, I would add more. I ended upwardly getting more and more than creative as time went on considering I got more comfortable with feeding her. Before I knew information technology, she was eating full meals with several components, not but single foods.

I started with just giving her foods at breakfast and dinner every twenty-four hour period. Nosotros did that for a few weeks, alongside with me nursing her as I normally would throughout the solar day. She plain wasn't eating a ton at each meal, but she was learning. I would ever make certain that I nursed her earlier each meal so that she didn't come to meal time hungry. Babies that are new to BLW tin can get frustrated if they are hungry because they don't know how to technically feed themselves all the same.

Foods to Non give babies

While baby-led weaning advocates for babies to eat what the family eats, in a modified style, at that place are nonetheless some foods that babies cannot have right off the bat.

Dear is a big no-no for babies. Their bodies cannot handle love until they are at least 12 months one-time because it can cause infant botulism.

Common choking hazards also shouldn't be given to babies, and some even need to be avoided into toddlerhood. These include certain chips and hard crackers, hard candy, dollops of nut butters, whole grapes, sure difficult raw veggies, and whole nuts.

Salt should also be very limited until they are at to the lowest degree one year former because their kidneys tin't handle much salt yet. Same goes for sugar, the AAP recommends that yous not give your baby any sugar or carbohydrate-sweetened beverages until at to the lowest degree 2 years of historic period.

First Nutrient Ideas

Here are a few things that I made for Sloane in the commencement couple of months of BLW…

  • roasted sweet murphy wedges – I would roast them either with olive oil, or I would do kokosnoot oil and cinnamon
  • avocado – sometimes I would leave the skin on half of the strip to assistance her grip it, and sometimes I would leave the skin off and roll the avocado in almond flour to give her some grip (just pay attention to make certain they don't endeavor to eat the skin!)
  • mango strips – make sure the mango is very ripe then that information technology is soft enough
  • steamed apple wedges – raw apples tin be a choking adventure for them because they don't have teeth yet, and so I would steam them until they were soft, sometimes I would throw some cinnamon on them likewise
  • egg strips – I would basically make scrambled eggs, except sort of like in omelette form. I would just let the eggs cook in an even layer, and then cutting it up in strips so she could grip them.
  • banana – I started out by just breaking the assistant in half and handing information technology to her, then afterward a while, I would cutting them into coins
  • toast strips – lightly toast some GF bread so that it is non too crunchy, and I would spread a VERY thin layer of peanut butter or avocado
  • strawberry strips – I would take large strawberries and cutting them into thinner strips or wedges
  • frittata – you can chop up bell peppers and spinach very finely and put them in a frittata
  • pesto pasta – penne pasta with bootleg kale pesto
  • fish – she loved salmon and we would give her piddling pieces of ours
  • chicken – i would sometimes requite her small pieces of shredded chicken if it wasn't too salty
  • date assurance – you can brand date balls (or energy bites) out of dates and nuts and whorl them into balls, just make sure everything is very finely chopped, and at that place are not big pieces of basics
  • baby oatmeal – you tin definitely utilise regular oats, but I used baby oatmeal for a few months because information technology is fortified with atomic number 26, I would mix it with breastmilk and cinnamon, and sometimes fifty-fifty added in flax or hemp seeds
  • yogurt – I gave her dairy-free kokosnoot yogurt, as well as Siggi'southward yogurt to introduce her to dairy, nosotros take never given her fluid milk to beverage

At that place are So many more fruits, vegetables and meals that yous can requite your baby, these are just a few ideas!

Baby Products I dearest

  • Gootensils – these are a neat first utensil because it helps the food grip to the utensil when your baby can't scoop yet
  • Babe utensils
  • Honey Bear Straw Cup – this loving cup is genius and how nosotros taught Sloane to drink from a harbinger
  • Small Open Cups
  • Bumkins Suction Plates and Bowls – these are bully for when babies are still immature and can't flip the plate. They eventually larn how, though. We really just gave Sloane the food right on her highchair for the offset several months.
  • Munchkin 360 cup – it took Sloane a while to figure this out, just when she somewhen did, it has been peachy. Yous don't have to worry about the cup leaking when they carry it around.
  • Baprons – these things are ane of my favorite babe products ever! Sloane e'er hated bibs around her neck when she ate, so these things are a God send. They cover their entire front end, and you can throw them right in the wash when needed.
  • Reusable snack bags – I apply these to bring snacks for Sloane in my diaper bag. They are durable, wash easily, and beautiful!

Always call up, no matter what fashion you decide to feed your baby, y'all are doing a swell job! Every babe is different, just have some fun and let your baby play!

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